Import a folder structure

By importing a folder structure, you do not have to add endless separate folders to Prostream. You can simply enter the desired folder structure in an excel sheet. By then importing these into your project, you can quickly add many folders at once.

What is import a folder structure?

You can import a folder structure to ensure that you do not have to add all folders in your Prostream project separately. Instead, you upload a file with your desired folder structure, so that it is correctly placed in your project in one go. Of course you can add separate folders later if needed.

What can I do with importing folder structures?

By importing a folder structure, you can quickly add many folders at once.

What is the perk of importing a folder structure?

By importing a folder structure, you do not have to add each folder and subfolder separately to your project or organization in Prostream. You simply design the structure in the template and upload it in one go in Prostream. The folders appear in the desired structure in your project or organization.


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