
Get exactly the insights you need

Als projectbeheerder in de bouw zou je het liefst op 39 plekken tegelijk zijn om de planningen, budgetten en voortgang van je team op de bouwplaats in de gaten te houden. Het kan een uitdaging zijn om het overzicht te behouden en snel de juiste informatie terug te vinden. Daarom biedt Prostream je dashboards waar je in één oogopslag de voortgang van jouw projecten volgt. Doordat de data visueel worden weergegeven, zie jij meteen hoe het ervoor staat. Daar kun je waardevolle inzichten uit opdoen, bijvoorbeeld wanneer je ziet dat er op een bepaald onderdeel vaak snags geplaatst worden. Dan weet jij al voor een volgend project dat hier extra aandacht aan besteed moet worden. Zo voorkom je fouten, bespaar je tijd en kun je je concentreren op wat écht belangrijk is: bouwen.

The benefits of dashboards

Real-time insights

Always an overview of the most current situation.

Save time

At the touch of a button you will be informed about the status of your project.

Anticipate and prevent unnecessary costs

Get new insights in common mistakes.

Improved communication

Everybody is always up to date.

In dashboards in Prostream you always see up-to-date information. This means that you have live insights, with which you can make well-considered decisions about the progress of the project and adjust where necessary.

With dashboards in Prostream you have quick access to the most important data, without having to search through different systems. This makes Prostream not only your single source of truth for file versioning and quality control, but also for the overall overview.

Met de visuele weergave van jouw gegevens zie jij bijvoorbeeld snel op welk onderdeel er veel snags worden geplaatst. Dit vertelt jou cruciale informatie over het project en hierdoor weet jij waar je in de toekomst extra aandacht aan moet besteden. Hiermee voorkom je onnodige en vooral dure fouten.

Because dashboards in Prostream are shared centrally and accessible to all stakeholders, they are also always up to date on the latest developments in the project. This way you can be sure that everyone is on the same page.

Answer to

Frequently asked questions about dashboards

What exactly are dashboards?

With dashboards in Prostream you get valuable insights into your projects. By displaying existing project data in a visual way, you see where the pain points and bottlenecks of your project are. By filtering, you zoom in on the components that are important to you.

How exactly do statuses work?

In the results overview of your project, you are probably familiar with the table overview of your data. By clicking on the graph at the top right, you get a visual representation of the data.

You can read exactly how to do this in our knowledge base.


Case studies

Go to "‘Digital drawings are easy to share, which is also where the biggest risk lies. A good management system prevents proliferation’"

‘Digital drawings are easy to share, which is also where the biggest risk lies. A good management system prevents proliferation’

Kevin van den Tillaart, project manager at Vgib

Go to "“Achieve financial profit by properly recording everything during construction yourself”"

“Achieve financial profit by properly recording everything during construction yourself”

Joost Tijssen, de Borgermeester

Go to "Heembouw says goodbye to local drive and fully commits to Prostream"

Heembouw says goodbye to local drive and fully commits to Prostream

Knowledge base

Want to know more about dashboards, and how they work? You can find all the information in our knowledge base.

popular features

Used by customers

Go to "Preview files"

Preview files

Thanks to a powerful preview function, you can immediately see the content of a document on all your devices.

Go to "File sharing"

File sharing

In Prostream, you can easily share your files with project members, but also with non-Prostream users.

Go to "Smart search"
Smart Search

Smart search

Search all information within your project or organisation. Find a file and directly see its content.

Go to "Document tasks"

Document tasks

Create document tasks so everyone immediately knows which actions they need to take with a document, or which information is for them.