What is version control and why is it important?
The world is becoming increasingly digital and that also applies to construction. As construction partners, it is crucial that you can share documents among yourselves, but also that you can find and update them quickly. Version management in your DMS (document management system) helps with this by keeping track of different versions of documents in a structured way. Good version management ensures that everyone always and everywhere works with the correct and most up-to-date version of a document. The method can be applied to any document type: from construction drawings and interim reports to quotations and financial reports. But how does modern version management work? And what are the advantages of this orderly working method? You can read about it below.
What does version control mean
Version management involves storing and tracking changes to documents centrally and in a structured manner. By using version management, you always know who changed what and when. Convenient, because this way you can also be sure that nobody is working with old documents. And should something go wrong, you can always see where the error occurred. By choosing a DMS with version management, you avoid failure costs and delays. Especially with construction drawings, this is crucial, so you always know that multiple versions are not circulating and that everyone is working from the same basis.
Of course, there is always a human aspect in version control too. You need to make sure everyone knows what to do where and when and how. Therefore, choose a clear folder structure. By using a clear naming convention, you can find documents easily. Also give your documents tags and metadata so that they are even easier to find. Or choose a document management platform with automatic version management. This significantly reduces the risk of human error.

How does version control work?
An important basic principle of version control is that you make documents digitally available in one fixed, central location to people with the correct access and editing rights. Version control allows you to make changes to a document together with team members, both simultaneously and independently.
Another important pillar of version control is that you can always trace changes and additions over time. You can check exactly who made a specific change and when (date and time). You can also provide a document with a status. For example, think of ‘draft’, ‘second version’ or ‘final’.
With automatic version control you even ensure that every changed document gets a new version number that matches the previous one. This way you always know for sure that you are working with the correct version, while you can always view old versions. And if you want to be sure that you have the latest version in front of you, it is also possible to place a QR code on a document in a good Document Management System (DMS). By scanning the QR code on a document, you will know in no time whether you are working with the correct version.
Long searches for the right document in various folders? With good version control, it is definitely a thing of the past.
What are the perks of version control?
From an efficiency, productivity and security point of view, version control has several advantages. We briefly list the most important ones.
Less searching
Long searches for the right document in various folders? With good version control, this is a thing of the past because everything you need can be found in one central place. The result? The throughput time of processes decreases and employees can spend more time on tasks that really add value to your service.
No mistakes and misunderstandings
Without version control, there is a chance that you provide employees, suppliers or customers with incorrect or incomplete information, for example because you base a decision or advice on outdated information from an old version of a document. Good version control ensures that decisions always stem from an up-to-date and complete data landscape.
Less storage space
If you apply (automatic) version management, you do not have to save a separate copy of the original file after every change and with every new version. You see all changes in the same document and can see the older version(s) in that file. You can also revert a document to an old version if you wish. Saving a lot of storage space is therefore perfectly possible with version management of documents.
More security
Version control contributes to a more secure handling of important documents. You no longer accidentally work in old and different versions and you no longer run the risk of sending the wrong versions to customers, colleagues, suppliers or business partners. Moreover, version control makes it possible to link a detailed and watertight system of access and editing rights to specific persons, roles and functions.
No more manually adjusting version numbers
If you apply automatic version management, manually adjusting version numbers is a thing of the past. This saves a lot of time and makes the process of editing and saving less error-prone.
This is not possible without version control, which makes this functionality an indispensable part of a document management system.
The risks without version control
Without version control, you as a builder can face major consequences, both in your planning and financially. Even minor miscommunications quickly lead to failure costs and delays. Who does not know the tall stories of a building that was built completely in the wrong direction by working with an outdated drawing? Or -a lot less spectacular, but at least as annoying- the examples of incorrect placement of gas pipes and electricity points based on old information? Apart from the financial damage and delays, constantly checking whether all the information is correct and up to date also causes the necessary irritation.
How do you set up version control and document management in your organisation?
To effectively implement version control in your organisation, start by choosing a good DMS. Ask contacts which system they use and what the advantages and disadvantages are. Choose a system that offers version control and make sure the system is secure. By choosing a Dutch supplier, you already exclude a lot of risks in this area, as the service will be subject to Dutch laws and regulations on cyber security. Or choose a supplier with ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification. Next, ensure clear guidelines for the use of documents and train employees in using the system. This will ensure that version control runs smoothly and that documents are always up-to-date and secure.
Version control is indispensable in a document management system (DMS)
Version control is an indispensable part of a document management system. Automate, digitize and streamline document and information flows within your organization with a DMS. The result? A solid foundation for efficient, safe and error-free business processes. The core task of a DMS is to make information available to the right person at the right time. This is not possible without version control, which makes this functionality an indispensable part of a document management system.
Read more about what document management entails.